health financing

Addressing Fragmentation in Health Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa – Are Solutions Possible?

As countries worldwide strive for Universal Health Coverage (UHC), there is a deepened desire and commitment to ‘leave no one behind’. This means that everyone, regardless of their socio-economic status, […]

Lessons from Tanzania’s Direct Health Facility Financing: A Blueprint for Malawi

Introduction The Government of Malawi is committed to improving healthcare delivery and achieving universal health coverage (UHC). As part of this commitment, the Ministry of Health (MoH), Malawi has identified […]

Private Provider Contracting Cross-Learning Session Key Messages

Countries: Ghana and Ethiopia Date: 17th February 2023 Background SPARC conducted a capacity-development session where it brought together researchers, policymakers and experts in private provider contracting from Ghana, Kenya and […]

Private Provider Contracting Cross-Learning Session Key Messages

Countries: Kenya and Ethiopia Date: 31st January 2023 Despite the benefits that accrue from contracting private providers, countries still face challenges in tapping into them due to inadequate capacity in […]

A Visit for the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) Nigeria on a Study Tour of the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) in Kenya

Strategic Purchasing African Resource Centre (SPARC) hosted a delegation of general managers from Nigeria’s National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) for a three-day study tour to share experience on how the […]

The Mismanagement of the COVID-19 Funds in Cameroon and the Necessity for Reforms Towards More Transparency and Accountability

Transparency and accountability in the management of public resources are the foundation of good governance. Ensuring that public funds are well managed has always been a central concern of citizens. […]

Multiplicity of Schemes and Non-Alignment of the Healthcare Package Within the Framework of Strategic Health Purchasing in Cameroon: Reflections and Perspectives

Strategic health purchasing (SHP) is attracting growing interest among decision-makers in low and middle-income countries. With limited resources, available resources must be used effectively and efficiently to maximize health system […]

Lessons Benin’s National Health Insurance Scheme Can Learn From the Private Insurers’ Purchasing Strategy

Achieving universal health coverage (UHC) has become a priority for many countries.[1] According to the DHS 2017-18 data, only 1% of women and men aged 15-49 are covered by health […]

SPARC and AfroPHC Joint Webinar on “Exploring UHC Funding and Payment Reforms for PHC in Africa.” Held on 27th of July

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) proposes a world in which everyone accesses the quality healthcare services they need without financial hardship. The vast amount of evidence indicates that primary healthcare service […]

Promoting Efficient and Effective Use of Resources Mobilized to Manage the Covid 19 Pandemic. Lessons and Reflections From Uganda

The  WHO has been pushing for a whole of Government approach and whole of society approach in responding  to the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, in Uganda the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in […]

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