December 2020 Message

It’s a Wrap!

What a year it’s been!

Although the pandemic is not totally over, the year 2020 will go down in the books as the pandemic year. SPARC’s approach to supporting countries during the pandemic period focused mainly on gleaning lessons learned from countries, providing a platform for experience sharing and packaging knowledge products from these to support future pandemic planning.
Why did we focus on our knowledge management pillar? This was because we understood that:

  • Every pandemic provides a learning opportunity.
  • Documentation and synthesis of lessons learned with the pandemic can help countries review their response.
  • Lesson learned can bridge knowledge gaps in country preparedness and response including quarantine, tracking of spending and aid flows with evidence-based knowledge products, to better prepare the world to prevent and/or confront the next pandemic fully prepared and more efficiently.
  • Country/regional learning exchanges with countries that were more successful in the management of the outbreak could help reduce the learning curve for other countries.

If you have missed any of the virtual engagements and/or synthesis of messages from them, click here.

In this edition of the newsletter, we share some key lessons from 2020.


Happy Holidays!

Dr Nkechi Olalere
Executive Director, SPARC

December 2020 Message

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