Shadrack Gikonyo
Shadrack has extensive experience in providing technical assistance in health financing in Sub-Saharan Africa. He has supported development, capacity building, implementation and evaluation of healthcare financing programs including strategic health purchasing, demand-side financing, supply side financing and social protection. He is our technical focal person on supporting Anglophone Africa.
Prior to joining SPARC, Shadrack was a resource person at Eastern and Southern Africa Management Institute (ESAMI) where he provided capacity building to the health committees of Kenya’s Parliament on their legislative and oversight role in fostering an efficient, resilient and sustainable health system in Kenya. Previously, he worked with other organizations including Clinton Health Access Organization, University of Nairobi Enterprises in supporting the Output Based Approach (OBA) and Abt Associates. He has also been a lead consultant for Pricewaterhouse Coopers in designing healthcare financing initiatives funded by UNICEF and DFID.
Shadrack aspires to assist resource-limited health settings to identify and implement tailor-made approaches to improve health systems resilience through exploiting efficiency gains.
He holds a Masters of Health Economics and Policy from the University of Nairobi and a Masters of Business Administration from the same University. He holds certifications in International Approaches to healthcare financing from GIZ, Bonn-Germany; and Economic Evaluation in Global Health from the University of Washington.
He is a member of the Africa Health Economics and Policy Association.